Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beer Article (that I wrote) in The Wyckoff Journal

Sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks, but I've been working on an article that was recently published as a front page story in The Wyckoff Journal, a local online news site. The owners of the site also run The Oakland Journal and The Franklin Lakes Journal, where my article was also published concurrently. Here's the link to my specific article, which is sort of a sweeping overview and introduction to the world of craft beer: Beer. I'm not going to use the article as a post here, because they were nice enough to link to my blog from their site, so you should go there to read it. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks to Charlie at the Journals for giving me this opportunity!

On a side note, I'm hoping to have a lengthy post by the weekend regarding my recent trip to the National Homebrewers Conference in Oakland, CA. I met some world-class homebrewers and professional brewers, tasted some great beers, and got bombarded with some incredible beerformation. Here's some pictures of the event as a prelude to my update: NHC Pics.


  1. You've made the big time Reinitz!


  2. You've made the big time Reinitz!

    -Di Marco
