Monday, March 23, 2009

Diet Peach Snapple Iced Tea

Unfortunately I'm in the office today, which means I can't have a beer with lunch. What it does mean is that I can have a Diet Peach Snapple Iced Tea (DPSIT, which is surprisingly close to DIPSHIT). I promise that this will be one of the few times I do this, but here it goes:
Aroma: Pleasant tea aroma with hints of peach and other white fruits. Smells sweet and inviting--this will go great with my French dip (the sandwich...I'm pretty sure "French dip" could mean skinny dipping, but there's a chance I'm just making that up).
Appearance: Light brown with excellent clarity. No head on iced tea unfortunately, though it does foam for a brief amount of time if you shake the bottle really vigorously. There's some sediment at the bottom of the glass--I got excited for a minute cause usually when there's sediment at the bottom of my bottle it's yeast sediment. Sadly, this is just tea leaf sediment.
Flavor: A sweet and fruity tea flavor, with an emphasis on the fruit juice. There's an ever so slight bitterness on the finish from the tea, though it does finish rather sweet.
Mouthfeel: Light body with zero effervescence. The finish sort of dries my mouth out a bit, making me want to drink some more to "wet my whistle" again (that's what she said?)--they probably did that on purpose so you'd drink more.
Overall Impression: While it's certainly no fermented malt beverage, the DPSIT makes a find workday lunch drink. Sweet and easy-drinking, it's a nice way to kick off the afternoon...speaking of which, I have a meeting to get to :-(

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