Friday, March 20, 2009

First Beer Post: Lancaster Rare Rooster Rye Ale

This is the inaugural beer post at The Blog-O-Beer! With lunch today, I cracked open a Rare Rooster Rye Ale from Lancaster Brewing Company. Since this is the first beer post, I figured I'd go balls to the wall and do some tasting notes:
Appearance: Light to medium copper with a very small white head. Little head retention and no apparent lacing. The beer has pretty good clarity, and looks like it will go well with my pizza lunch. There's also some yeast sediment in the bottle (I'm assuming it was bottle-conditioned).
Aroma: Grain is the first thing that I smell. The nose is malt-balanced and has little noticeable hop aroma. Some sweet caramel notes and a little spiciness from the rye.
Flavor: Sweet malt with low hop bitterness. No hop flavor. The rye lends a mild spiciness that balances nicely with some toffee-like flavors and coats your mouth on the finish.
Mouthfeel: Fuck--I finished my glass before I got here. Oops! From what I recall: Mild carbonation and a medium-full body.
Overall Impression: At 4.8% ABV, this brew makes an excellent session beer. Easy-drinking with a low bitterness (18 IBU according to their website), I could easily destroy a few pints of this rye ale. A perfect lunch accompaniment that'll make the rest of the work day much more bearable (I work from home on Friday's awesome, which means I get to drink beer).

Disclaimer: I'm too lazy to take my own pictures, so all the pictures I post are from the interwebs.

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